Sunday, November 3, 2013

30-Day Photo Challenge Part 4 (the last part)

continuing on...
day twenty-two: inspirational... this is something I did on my bedroom wall recently. turned out better than I thought! just trying to give myself some daily motivation
day twenty-three: patterns... it's part of my bedspread that my sister got me a few Christmases ago. I love it, it's so cute! Polka dots are probably my favorite "pattern."
day twenty-four: animal... this is my and 1 of my dogs, Spice. I love her to pieces! She is probably the strangest dog you will ever meet! She is crazy, and makes me laugh. We sometimes prefer to her as a "special needs dog," haha.
day twenty-five: strangers... i wanted to get more creative with this, but I ran out of time. It's just a couple I passed leaving Chocolate World the other day.
day twenty-six: close-up... another self-explanatory one! just a close up of moi!
day twenty-seven: celebration...a picture from 1 of my best friend's surprise birthday party we threw for her! It was a lot of fun! I don't think I've ever been a part of a surprise party before that was actually successful!
day twenty-eight: flowers... i was so excited that there are actually some flowers left in our yard! i love flowers, it's one of my favorite things about Spring! So pretty!
day twenty-nine: black & white... this is a pic with 3 of my favorites: my 2 dogs and my nephew! i love them all so much! They were all cuddling with me...a rare occasion! SO precious!
and finally day thirty: self-portrait... it's just a selfie. not all that great! but it served the purpose!
I had SO much fun doing this!! It made me dig deep into my creativity...which was good for me! I deff wanna do it again sometime!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

30-Day Photo Challenge Part 3

part 3 of my photo challenge! just a few days left!

day fourteen: eyes... self-explanatory. although, as you can's just 1 eye, not 2. haha. not the best picture, but i'm not the best photographer, so that's what you get! haha

day fifteen: silhouette... just my shadow on our driveway. simple, and not very creative, haha.

day sixteen: a good habit... my scriptures (in my super cute case that my mom made for me. I wish I had her creative genes). I read them everyday! or at least, try my best to.

day seventeen: technology... my iphone case! of course, it's none other than One Direction! I LOVE it!! I finally got an iphone this year! I've wanted one for years, and I love it. technology is great!!

day eighteen: your shoes... I have a lot of shoes! I probably couldn't even fit them into 1 picture, so I just took a pic of my 3 fave pairs!

day nineteen: something you want... laugh all you want, but yes...they are One Direction footie pajamas! and personalized, might I add! as in, they put your name on the hood! AND, they have Zayn's (my fave) signature on them, and say "I love Zayn Malik"! footie pajamas are the BEST!! but, they are over $100! whomp whomp... and I will therefore most likely never own them :(

day twenty: in my bag... just some of what's in my purse. it's the essentials: my wallet, my awesome coin purse which separates the coins, tide to go pen, mp3 player, gum, Tylenol, and a lint roller!

day twenty-one: faceless self portrait... once again, self explanatory... just me sitting in my car. you can see some of my face, but it's the best I could do... I tried many times! haha

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

30-Day Photo Challenge Part 2

here we go...part 2 of my 30-day photo challenge...
day seven: change to come... I took a picture of the leaves changing colors, since it's fall! I didn't realize until recently how much I love fall!
day eight: routine... all I could think of was to take a picture of the things I use on a daily basis in my "getting-ready-routine."
day nine: someone you love... how could I ever choose just 1 person? I am truly blessed to have so many loved ones in my life! The picture is from this summer when my family went to Knoebels Grove Amusement Park, so it includes a lot of people I love.
day ten: childhood memory...the picture is of the trampoline in our backyard. I spent countless hours on that as a child! man, I haven't been on that in forever!
day eleven: something blue...the picture includes 2 of my all-time fave things in my life! pathetic as it may be, it is my incredibly blue high-thread count sheets that I rarely ever take off my bed, and you can also see part of my blue king-size fleece blanket that I call Amazey because,'s so amazing!
day twelve: sunset...pretty self-explanatory! I took it on my drive out to Utah about 2 months ago.
day thirteen: cannot live! music is such a big part of my life and I seriously don't think I could live without it! it is good for so many situations. it's such therapy! especially if you're seeing it live! and there's nothing like hearing a song and feeling like you wrote it!

Monday, October 7, 2013

30-Day Photo Challenge Part 1

my 1st blog post...yay!! so, i saw a pin on pinterest a couple weeks ago for a 30-day photo challenge, which I decided to take on! i'm on day 7 so far, and have been having a lot of fun! so far, the challenges have been pretty easy! i'm anxious to see what's in store for the next 23 days! here's what I've done so far...

day one: self portrait, pretty self-explanatory! except I would like to note that my amazingly talented sister, McKenzie took the pic

day two: what I wore... To Write Love On Her Arms tee, love that foundation! everyone should check them out! and 1 of my all time fave pairs of shoes!

day three: clouds! I must confess that I didn't take that picture that day, but it was recent! I took it on my drive home from Utah about a week ago (which there will be more on that later)

day four: something green...not very creative, but the picture is of my feet in the green grass! I missed having green grass while living in Utah, so it was significant to me! haha

day five: after dark... once again, not very creative. it's just a selfie taken outside after dark. you'll learn i'm not a very creative person! I wish I were...

and day six: obsession! two words: One Direction, I am totally and completely in love with them! don't hate! they are amazing...and talented...and gorgeous...and british, HELLO! this is most of the stuff that I have acquired in the span of just 6 months, haha.